Dear Customers!
To place an order through our online store, please follow the steps below:
- Choose the product you wish to purchase and click on green "Add to cart" button. This takes your product to your virtual Shopping Cart. In case that nothing happens, it is possible that the last versions of Internet Explorer and Mozilla are blocking your confirmation accepting it as a pop-up. In most cases a message appears that informs you about blocking the windows of the web site. Please, click on the message with the right mouse button and select "Always Allow Pop-ups From This Site" to further troubleshoot this issue. You can continue and select another product;
- After all products you wish to purchase are added, please open your Shopping Cart. Here you can change the product's quantity, to enter the code of your discount voucher, to request your invoice if you want and to choose the most suitable payment method. You can perform the payment via: bankwire, credit/debit card or by paypal.
If you have a registration on our online store and you have entered in your account profile, your shipping information will be filled in automatically. If you want to change the address for shipping, please click "Change address" button, that is in your Shopping Cart and change it. If you are a new user and have no registration, please fill in your shipping information. Check in your compliance with General Terms&Conditions and click on the "Continue" button to confirm your order.
- Your order is accepted. To confirm your order our custom service operator will contact you to check the information you have sent. For orders placed after 17:30 (UTC +2) we will contact you on the next day.
If you have additional questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
Wish you pleasant shopping through our online store!